Being a trumpet history buff,  I have been fortunate enough to gather together this cool collection of trumpets. Rather than have them just sitting pretty in the case, I have loved many moments playing them… and the sheer joy of looking at them.   I refer to these beauties as ‘signature trumpets’, each one having been endorsed by some of the most popular and inspirational trumpet players of the 20th century, with either their names or initials engraved on the instrument.  It was a lot of fun and a learning experience to search out and acquire this collection, even though difficult at times to find them in excellent condition. If you are not a musician or trumpet buff, you'll probably enjoy looking at the pictures with the beautiful artwork and inscriptions on them! 


Trumpets in the case, pictured from left to right, with the trumpet player’s name, the manufacturer and approximate year it was made:

 “Maynard Ferguson” by Holton 1988; 

“Rafael Mendez” by F.E. Olds 1957; 

“Al Hirt Special” by Frank Holton 1966; 

“Destino” (2nd generation) by Doc Severinsen 2007; 

“Doc” Severinsen by Conn 1970; 

“Severinsen” by Getzen 1972;

 “SS Limited” by Conn 1982…rumored to have been modeled after Doc Severinsen’s trumpet he played with on Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show Band”, the SS referring to “Severinsen Series”.